Posts in Recipes
Christmas Bark

I love to indulge into a bit of chocolate during the holiday season! However, the chocolate that you will find lining the shelves at the retail stores are full of refined sugars, additives and artificial flavourings.

I decided to make some chocolate from scratch so I know just what it is I am eating and I can ensure it will be good quality, delicious and just the way I want it!  

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Strawberry Banana Nice Cream

What better treat on a hot summer’s day than a nice dollop of ice cream? It’s creamy, delicious and a great way to cool down. But while dairy ice cream may seem like a cool treat, its effects in the body are, well, not so hot. Most store-bought dairy ice creams are filled with nasty additives, including carrageenan, artificial flavours, and lots and lots of refined sugar. But what if I told you that you can have your ice cream and have it nourish you, too?! My Strawberry-Banana Nice Cream is the perfect treat on a hot summers day, filled with lots of cool nutritious goodness.

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Banana Nut Chocolate Cinnamon Muffins

I love a good muffin! But visiting the local bakery or café can provide some challenges if you are looking for a healthy option. Most muffins are made with dairy, refined sugar and lots of wheat gluten-filled flours. So I set out on a mission to make my own muffin that would be both delicious and made without these pro-inflammatory ingredients.

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Gluten-free Banana Bread

Banana bread was one of my favourites as a kid; however, since switching to a gluten-free diet I haven’t been able to enjoy this sweet. delicious treat…until now! After much experimentation in the kitchen, I’ve been able to come up with a super moist, delicious, gluten- and dairy-free banana bread that tastes just as good as the original!

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Blueberry Chocolate Crunch

I’m a big lover of blueberry-flavoured chocolate. The combination is so satisfying to the taste buds! But when you pair it with a little crunchy texture, it becomes an even more super satisfying treat! 

My Blueberry Chocolate Crunch is sure to tick all of the above deliciousness boxes and this chocolate treat is full of antioxidant-rich foods. So, what are antioxidants and why are they so important? 

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Dried Blueberries

Dried fruits and berries are an awesome ingredient to have at hand, and you don’t necessarily need a dehydrator to make your own. A good old oven is all you need to make your own delicious dried blueberries!

Blueberries are such amazing little berries. They are an antioxidant-rich food, as well as being a great source of vitamin C, fibre and manganese.

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